Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 11-10-2020

Document Type



Smart wearables help real-time and remote monitoring of health data for effective diagnostic and preventive health care services. Wearable devices have the ability to track and monitor healthcare vitals such as heart rate, physical activities, BMI (Body Mass Index), blood pressure, and keeps an individual notified about the health status. Artificial Intelligence-enabled wearables show an ability to transform the health insurance sector. This would not only enable self-management of individual health but also help them focus from treatments to the preventions of health hazards. With this customer-centric approach to health care, it will enable the insurance companies to track the health behaviour of the individuals. This can perhaps lead to better incentivization models with a lower premium to the health-centric customers. Health insurance companies can have better outreach with these customer-centric products. The area is exceptionally novel and shows potential for the research opportunities. Although the literature shows the presence of few works incepting the application of smart wearables in health insurance, it was found that the works are across sections of the society and extremely limited to regions and boundaries. Thus, a need for Bibliometric survey in the area of Smart Wearables in Health insurance is necessary to track the research trends, progress and scope of the future research. This paper conducts Bibliometric study for “Smart Wearables in Health Insurance Industry” by extracting documents of total 287 from Scopus database using keywords like wearables, health insurance, health care, machine learning and health risk prediction. The study is conducted since the last decade that is 2011-2020 for the research analysis. From the study, it is observed that application of wearables in health insurance are in a nascent stage and there is a scope for researchers, insurance, health care stakeholders to explore the used cases for a better user experience.
