Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 11-24-2020

Document Type



This study was conducted to conduct an audit of the online health system in Indonesia, especially in the Surabaya area, whether it is running well and can improve health services.


This study explain about E-Health Surabaya is a web-based health service technology application that is used to help people register as patients in hospitals and health centers. Although its function is very useful, there are also people who still do not understand how to use this application, there are also some shortcomings that cause inconvenience in its use. So that research is conducted in which the application uses ITIL V.3 framework with Domain Service Design to conduct an audit of the maturity level of this E-Health Surabaya Web Application. ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Technology) is a framework used to manage information technology services to achieve predetermined targets. The methods used are Data Collection, Data Grouping, Calculation with Likert Scale, and Assessment Based on Service Maturity Level Framework. The results of the study are obtained from data processing of 13 respondents who have filled out the questionnaire, resulting in an overall average value of 3 which is based on the Service Maturity Level Framework is worth 3 namely Defined Process. In addition, recommendations are also given to the Service Level Management and Capacity Management sub domain so that it is expected that E-Health can be developed so that it can be easily used by all groups and can be integrated with e-kiosks in each area of the City of Surabaya for user convenience in their transactions.
