Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 12-2-2020

Document Type



This bibliometric is done to see and analyze all information technology related research concepts that are published internationally so that they can be used as research materials and topics and to seek further research ideas.


This bibliometric describe Information Technology Relateness is defined as the use of information technology infrastructure and information technology management processes betweeWas this submission previously published in a journal? Bepress will automatically create an OpenURL for published articles. Learn more about OpenURLsn business units together. There is not much research on Information Technology Relateness by providing a big picture that is visualized from year to year. This study aims to map research in the field of Information Technology Relateness with data from all international research publications. This study performs a bibliometric method and analyzes research data using the Services Analyze Search Results from Scopus and the VOSviewer application. The data obtained in this study amounted to 307 academic documents published from 1981 to 2020 globally. The results showed that the institutions and individual researchers at the global level that were most productive in the publication of Information Technology Relateness were the University of Kentucky, KU Leuven, and Parent University, each with 5 and Kim C with 5 articles of documents. Most fields of study are computer sciences with 138 documents. Then the most publications occurred in 2015 as many as 31 documents, and documents per year based on sources of 7 from Lecture Notes In Computer Science Including Subseries Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence And Lecture Notes In Bioinformatics. The most document types in this field are in the form of articles. The most documents by country from the Information Technology Relateness Study are the United State with 82 and then China with 37 documents. And finally, the number of documents based on the Funding Sponsor of this study is the National Science Foundation, totaling 11 documents.
