Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 12-13-2020

Document Type



The new SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 has spread quickly around the globe since it was first reported in Wuhan city of China, in December 2019 subsequent to being contracted from a zoonotic source. The main focus of this bibliometric survey is to recognize the few studies which have upheld the epidemiological hypothesis that the effect of climatic factors is playing a crucial role in the spreading of COVID-19. The analysis is done on the basis of 412 documents such as journals, articles, editorials, short surveys and some review papers. The United States contributes to the maximum number of publications followed by the United Kingdom and India. The bibliometric survey is conducted by using Research gate, Google scholar, Scopus and many other tools such as Gephi, sciencescape etc. The survey includes the geographical regional analysis, network analysis, analysis by the type of publications, region, languages the documents are written in and the universities, institutes, authors contributing to the area of research. This bibliometric survey revealed that the maximum publications of “climatic factors affecting the spread of COVID-19 are from journals, articles etc, affiliated with Medicine followed by Environmental sciences. The documents are analyzed over the time period of 2020 to 2021.
