Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 12-14-2020

Document Type



This article presents a Scientometric analysis of Covid-19 Vaccine research Literature indexed by Web of Science. Assessing research activity is important for planning future protective and adaptive policies. The objective of the current study was to assess research activity on Covid-19 Vaccine literature. A Scientometric method was applied using Scopus, Documents on “Covid-19 literature”. The study period was from 1971 to 2020. The search query found 7181 documents in Coronavirus Vaccine literature. The growth of publications showed 4402 in 2020. Documents published in Vaccine journal received the highest number of publications (203) followed by Journal of Virology with 104 Publications, Nature with 96 Publications. The most productive countries are i.e. the United States with 2178 (H-Index-114), Chine with 1068 (H-Index-75, India with 678 (H-Index-26), and the United Kingdom with 614 (H-Index-53).
