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The Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) founded in 1979 is dedicated to topics related to multidisciplinary science and technology. This paper aims to explore the current state of research published in SJST and employs quantitative and qualitative assessment using scientometric analysis and visualization analysis with VOSviewer. The data for this analysis consists of 1,619 documents based on data from Scopus between 2006 and 2019. In this study, the number of SJST papers, the topmost cited publications, year-wise distributions, authorship patterns, country-wise distribution, top-cited authors and their affiliation and keywords, the keywords distribution, and author co-citation maps were identified and visualized in the specified period by using bibliometric indicators in VOSviewer software. This study points out the development status and trends of SJST. These results can be useful for the people in science and technology scholars to get a comprehensive understanding of the knowledge structures and publishing trends of SJST. Also, the people interested in the perspectives of scientometric studies and visualization methods can use this as a pattern to review other journals and boost the popularity of current knowledge and advancement in the field of science and technology worldwide.
