Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 12-26-2020

Document Type



love to publish in the LPP


The present research purpose is to investigate the LIS women of Pakistan to the LPP from 2008 to 2020. The quantitative research design and survey method have been used to retrieve data from the website of LPP with the full-text articles. The collected data has been analyzed using quantification tools. The parameters were set for this study is the frequency of publication growth, author’s collaborations, degree of author collaboration, papers length, and most productive regions, most productive authors, as well as references, were used in the contribution of Pakistani LIS women. The data revealed 83 research articles were retrieved from 2008 to 2020 where 18 papers were published in 2018 and 13 were published in 2011. The collaboration of authors has confirmed with 32(38.55%) were written by two authors and 25(30.12%) were written by three authors. The range of papers has confirmed that the 37(44.57%) were a range of 11-15 pages and 20(30.12%) were a range of 16-20 pages. The degree of collaboration was examined that is 0.73. The present study shows the most productive authors were Rubina Bhatti with 26 research papers ranked 1st and the University of Bahawalpur was the most productive university with 42 papers. The data shows that 1867 references were retrieved from the written paper by LIS women of Pakistan during the studied period.
