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Date of this Version

Winter 1-3-2021

Document Type



This paper attempts to scrutinize the concerned debates related to crises in Public Administration which convey identity, intellectuals and paradigms. Identity, intellectual and paradigm were examined and elaborated from the dialogues from a number of figures in Europe and America chapter. Additionally, the researchers initiate to enrich the analysis by providing the elaborated dialogues of Public Administration researchers in India and Indonesia, obtained from the Scopus database in the last 20 years (2000-2019). Paradigm that public administration in America and Eropa has no longer entangled a debate between "Science" or "Arts", but administration deals more with a profession. The enlargement of Public Administration research in the last two decades in Indonesia engaged several schemes in: local government, decentralization, leadership, governance, and good governance, while researchers in India emphasized the dialogue on issues related to: e-government, governance, e-governance, partnership and sustainable development. Existed debates from Indonesia and India authors in the field of public administration, dominantly involve concerned issues such as: e-government, local government and governance encouraging the emergence of future debates.
