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This study aims to determine the map of the development of Islamic Bank DEA research. DEA or Data Envelopment Analysis is one method for efficiency and productivity measurement. The data analyzed were in the form of publication of the DEA application research on Islamic banking totaling 201 articles. Map of the development of Islamic Bank DEA field research is obtained through the export process into the .txt file format. The export data is then processed and analyzed using the VOSviewer application program to determine the bibliometric map of the development of the DEA Islamic Bank application research. The results showed that the number of publications on the results of research on the DEA Islamic Bank application from 2004-2019 had increased significantly and was the most published in the International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management. Network visualization shows that the map of the development of the DEA Islamic Bank application research is divided into 4 clusters. Cluster 1 consists of 7 topics, cluster 2 consists of 4 topics, cluster 3 consists of 3 topics, and cluster 4 consists of 2 topics. The author who published the most research results on the DEA Islamic Bank application was Fakhrudin Kamarudin. Besides, the largest contributor to the publication of research results in the DEA Islamic Bank was the Faculty of Economics and Management Universiti Putra.
