Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 1-20-2021

Document Type



This research is conducted to improve laboratory services and ensure innovations that can be carried out by its users


This study was conducted to compile a work plan and create an integrated laboratory information system and improve academic services at Uin Sunan Ampel Surabaya based on the implementation of work programs towards a world class university. The purpose of this research activity is to design and implement a system capable of providing work information for each manager of the integration laboratory and maximizing the utilization of the integration laboratory so that the use of the integration laboratory is better and more precise. The results of this research can form an integrated laboratory information system that can optimize the performance and effectiveness of scheduling the use of an integrated laboratory so that work productivity and laboratory empowerment can be optimized. The conclusion of this study is that Organizational Policy affects the Performance Improvement of the Academic Business Integration Laboratory and the Application of Information Technology in Improving the Performance of the Academic Business Integration Laboratory. Then the Information System has an effect on the Improvement of the Performance of the Academic Business Integration Laboratory and Work Innovation has an effect on the Improvement of the Academic Integration Laboratory Business Performance. In addition, Product Innovation has an effect on the Improvement of the Performance of the Academic Business Integration Laboratory and Service Innovation has an effect on the Business Performance Improvement of the Academic Integration Laboratory.
