Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 2-2-2021

Document Type



The present study proposed to focus on the current status of SCO countries Open Access Institutional Repositories. Nowadays, institutional repositories play a vital role in promoting higher education systems and research and development. Data were obtained from the Directory of Open Access Institutional Repositories (DOAR) website. Then collected data have been analysed and represented in graphical formats to clearly understand the study results. The researchers also assessed the SCO countries’ contribution to various parameters such as type of repository, disciplines, languages interface, and software used to build institutional repository. The study's findings revealed that out of 214 repositories, the highest number of registration of repositories was took place in the year 2011 and 2019, i.e., 36 (16.82%) 34 (15.89%), respectively. It shows that majority used Dspace software 131(61.21%), followed by EPrints 35 (16.36%). Most of the repository preferred the English language158 (52.15%) interface to develop institutional repositories, followed by Russian languages 56(18.48%). The country-wise distribution shows that India has the highest number of institutional repositories, 94(43.93%) registered under open access. The majority of 108(23.08%) intuitional repositories are multidisciplinary, followed by Science General 69(14.74%).
