Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



Purpose: The present study is made to document old and rare Sanchipat manuscript found in different parts of Assam and to highlight on the role institutions of this region are playing in creating awareness among the local people regarding its significance.

Methodology: For the present study, information is collected through personal interview with management authority of The Research institutes and Museum. Secondary sources (Books, e- journals, Newspapers) are also been consulted for obtaining secondary information.

Findings: reveals that numerous important manuscripts are lying untouched and in deteriorating condition which needs to be taken care of in order to preserve it for generations to come. Various techniques adopted to conserve and preserve manuscripts by various institutes (Research Centers, Museums, Special Libraries and Archives). Institutes operating locally are working towards it but still a lot more to go. Individuals, communities and Government need to go hand in hand to preserves this asset.

Originality: It has been seen that various beliefs and notions of local people are associated with keeping of manuscripts which gave a new direction to carry out the study. The Study will help the other researchers to carry out their research in similar field by showing the current picture of condition of manuscript in which they are kept and what more need to be done.
