Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 12-12-2020

Document Type



The study's objectives were to determine Benguet State University faculty members' general impression of the library resources and their usage of these resources. To answer these objectives, questions on faculty members' satisfaction with the library resources, frequency of usage, purposes of using the library resources, reasons for not using the library resources, reasons of not being able to find the resources they are looking for in the library and suggestions for library development in terms of library resources were asked.

It was found out that the majority of the faculty members have used the library resources at least once-a-term. On the other hand, those who did not use the library resources cited the Internet as the source of their information needs. Faculty members often used library resources for instructional support purposes, and book collections to be the most used library resources. Faculty members said that they partly found the library resources they were looking for during their last visit to the library. Furthermore, they also said that usually they rarely saw the library resources that they were looking for. They specified that the University Library has no resource/s on a particular subject because they could not find or get the resources they need.

Moreover, faculty members would like to have more Internet access (Terminals/Wi-Fi) in the library. In terms of subject coverage, faculty members would like the Serials resources to be improved the most. Faculty members rated the library resources from Average to Good in terms of Recency, Relevance/Use, and Adequacy. Except for Optical Discs, which was rated Fair for its Adequacy. Generally, it was found that faculty members are satisfied with the library resources of the library.

When compared according to employment status, faculty members use the library resources once a month and their frequency of use and satisfaction level of the library resources have no significant differences compared to sex, employment status, and rank. On the contrary, differences were found when the faculty members' level of satisfaction was compared according to College/Institute. The same was found when faculty members' frequency of use of the library resources was compared according to College/Institute.
