Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 1-14-2021

Document Type



The present study is based on 2945 citations, appended in the 75 dissertation submitted to Dibrugarh Centre for Library and Information Science Studies(CLISS) in Dibrugarh university, Assam to confer Master degree during the period of 2014-2019.The primary objectives of this study was to investigate the core literature and/or the group of authors central to the field of LIS, to know the forms of documents cited in the MLISC dissertation, to define the most frequently cited periodicals and authorship pattern, to ascertain the geographical distribution of cited documents, determine the year of publication of cited documents in Library and information Science. The study revealed the fact that books were the most favourite source of information among MLIS students in the centre for library and Information. The data reveals the fact that books achieved highest no of citation which is1337 it is followed by journals with 1887 citations. In terms of Authorship pattern more citation is achieved by single author which is 34.02% it is followed by double author which is counted 31.23% citations. The findings of the study revealed that Krishan Kumar is the most preferred author among students, Indian Library Association Bulletin is the highly cited journal among MLIS students. Further the study revealed that the publication between 1996-2000 got prolific demand among students while preparing MLIS dissertation.
