Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 2-9-2021

Document Type




Purpose: The purpose of the study is to know the user’s satisfaction level of law college libraries of Assam, India.

Methodology: Survey method was used to collect the necessary information from the users of law college libraries of Assam. A total 900 questionnaires were distributed among the students and 600 questionnaires were accepted for analysis.

Findings: The study shows that all the libraries under study provides good range of library services. The respondents are found to be satisfied with the availability of library resources. Regarding the satisfaction level on different library service, the libraries need to further strengthen their services.

Research Limitations: The study is applied to the students of eighteen law college libraries within the geographical barriers of the state of Assam. The users were selected from different courses such as BA.LL.B, LL.B and LL.M. Though the faculty also uses the library along with the students yet the survey was limited for the students only.

Practical Implications: This paper will help anyone who wants to explore the user studies for law college libraries. Even, the law college libraries of Assam can strengthen their facilities and services based on the findings of the study.

Originality: The study is itself a unique one as no such study was conducted in the area of law college libraries in Assam regarding user studies. The study is absolutely based on the primary data collected from the student’s survey.
