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Date of this Version

Winter 2-15-2021

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Background: This paper examines the waste water management research publications during the period of 2010-2019 from the Scopus multidisciplinary online database. The study aims to analysis the year wise growth of publications, relative growth rate and doubling time, top 10 authors contribution, authorship pattern, degree of collaboration, collaborative coefficient, collaborative index, Co- author index, document types, time series analysis, contribution of top 10 journals, institutions, countries, language and Highly cited papers of waste water management research publications.

Results: There are 19861 research publications are identified in the field of waste water management research publications during the ten year study period. This study identified that maximum of 2842(14.31%) research publications with 19857 citations are contributed in the year 2019. Ngo, H.H, contributed a maximum of 101 (0.51%) research publications, maximum of 19355 articles were contributed by joint authors and average degree of collaboration is 0.97. The range of Collaborative Co-efficient is (0.76-0.69), and the range of Collaborative index is (4.85-4.09). Maximum of 2102(10.58%) research publications are contributed in Bio resource technology, the ministry of education, china with 863(22.32%) research publication and China has contributed maximum of 5919(29.80%) research publications. Maximum of 18037 (90.82%) research publications are contributed by article. Maximum of 4375 citations are received by Fu, F. and Wang, Q. (2011) Removal of heavy metal ions from waste waters: A review. Journal of Environmental Management, 92(3): 407-418.
