Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 2-26-2021

Document Type



The study deals with the Scientometric study on the publication of "Geochemistry". The records are collected from Web of Science Databases for the period of 1989-2020. A total of 2603 papers were identified in Web of Science database. The study reveals that, most of the researchers preferred to publish their research results in journal and more numbers of articles were published in the year 2019. The authorship trend shows that, out of total 2603 literature published, 92.5% of the publication published under the joint author. Four thousand three hundred and eighty nine authors have contributed the total of 2603 articles. Further this study also identified to analyses coverage growth rates, relative growth rate, doubling time, most prolific authors, Degree of collaboration, Areas of research concentration, Price’s Square Root Law and Pareto Principle and citation analysis is also noted.
