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The present study aims to assess the relationship between demographic factors and the digital information literacy skills of women in Pakistan. Quantitative research approach was employed and data was collected through a questionnaire containing 12 items, adopted from Digital Information Fluency Model developed by Sarah A. Collins, Leanne M. Currie, Suzanne Bakken, David K. Vawdrey and Patricia W. Stone. All the items of the scale scored good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha=.905). The self-reported survey questionnaire was hosted online and its link was shared with the participants through different digital means. A sample of two hundred and ninety one female (N= 291), living in the Punjab province of Pakistan, participated in the study. Among 291 women, 161 (55.3%) were in the age bracket of 19-30 years old. 101 (34.7%) were married and 118 (40.6%) were having at least 14 years of education. The correlations between the digital information literacy skills and the factors like, age, education, marital status and urban/rural location were examined. The results of this study determined that a large sample perceived that they had significant level of the digital information literacy skills and were able to ascertain, locate, collect, evaluate and ethically use the available digital information. The results also portray that factors like age, urban/rural location, and marital status had no significant impact on the DIL competencies. Whereas, the factors like education and occupation, have significant impact on the respondent’s digital and information literacy skills. Moreover, the study highlights workable suggestions for the improvement of DIL competencies of women in Pakistan.
