Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 3-23-2021

Document Type



This research is very interesting and unique, because it tries to explore the digital literacy competence of lecturers in Indonesia against hoaxes on social media. This is an important study because lecturers are academics who have higher education and are student educators, so through this article, mapping of digital literacy competencies is very important.


Hoax in social media is increasingly flooding all types of social media. The ease with which people consume and produce information on social media provides freedom for citizens to express themselves and their attitudes regardless of whether the information is true or a hoax. ironically, this phenomenon is also affecting academics who are highly educated and work as lecturers. This article attempts to explore the digital literacy competencies of lecturers in Indonesia by taking samples of lecturers in two big cities, namely Medan and Bandung. The research was conducted using a digital ethnographic method that allows the author to be directly involved with the current affairs that are happening in Medan and in Bandung. There are 5 principles of digital ethnography: multiplicity, non-digital-centric-ness, openness, reflexivity, and unorthodox. The results showed that even though they work as lecturers, it does not mean that they are free from distorting information on social media because not all of them have good digital literacy competencies. Lecturers who come from across generations also greatly influence their level of digital literacy. So that critical, democratic, and constructive thinking is expected to always be born from the mindset in society at all levels, from the lower level to the upper level.
