Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 3-19-2021

Document Type



This research paper presents a Bibliometric analysis on Dyscalculia research publications published during 2011-2020 in Web of Science. The result has pointed out the merits and weaknesses of the journal which can be helpful for its further development. Total publications during the study period (2011-2020) were 560 articles on dyscalculia, distributed in 12 document types and eight languages, published by 1406 authors with 14768 cited references 591 organizations, and 51 countries. The 560 articles are scattered in 226 journals in which Journal of Frontiers in Psychology (49), was the most published and ranked first (IF2020 =2.067). This study determines that there are many top papers originated from journals with the highest Impact Factor and higher rank in the Web of Science category. The result reveals that the publications are not fit into Bradford’s law of scatterings.
