Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 4-8-2021

Document Type



Background: This study aims to analyze the work done in domain of cloud computing and edge computing using artificial intelligence from 2015 to 2021. Recent research shows the bibliometric methods are useful for such kind of analysis. Thus in this paper analysis is carried out using the bibliometric methods.

Methods: different articles on edge computing and edge intelligence were retrieved using one of the most popular database- Scopus. The research articles are considered between 2015 to 2021. Scopus analyzer is used for getting some analysis results such as documents by year, source, country and so on. VOSviewer Version 1.6.16 is used for the analysis of different units such as co-authorship, co-occurrences, citation analysis etc.

Results: In our study, a database search outputs a total of 204 articles on edge intelligence from 2015 to 2021. Statistical analysis and network analysis shows the maximum articles are published in the years 2019 and 2020 with China contributed the largest number of documents. Network analysis of different parameters shows a good potential of the topic in terms of research.

Conclusions: Scopus keyword search outcome has 204 articles with English language having the largest number. Authors, documents, country, affiliation etc are statically analyzed and indicates the potential of the topic. Network analysis of different parameters indicates that, there is a lot of scope to contribute in the further research in terms of advanced algorithms of artificial Intelligence.
