Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 4-12-2021

Document Type



This article is an article about A Systematic Literature Review of Information Technology Capital and Performance, where the article examines the various benefits of capital information technology capabilities for improving company performance.


This study aims to conduct a systematic literature review of research in the field of Information Technology Capital and Performance with data from all international research publications. The data obtained in this study amounted to 113 academic documents published from 1994 to 2020 globally. Research has discussed a lot about the causal relationship between information technology capital and company performance, the results of empirical studies vary to some extent with the exception of Information Technology business partnerships which are referred to as Information Technology business and strategic alignment. To that end, strategic alignment has emerged as one of the most important concerns facing business executives and information technology worldwide (Raymond and Croteau, 2009, Johnson and Lederer, 2010). Therefore, the aim of this article is to provide a detailed literature review that both academics and practitioners can use to understand the resources needed to realize the potential values of Information Technology Investments. This is achieved by providing a review of the Information Technology and Information Technology business literature on the performance of business firms. It is hoped that this article will spark a fruitful discussion on the sustainable benefits of Information Technology capital.
