Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Aim: The present study aims of this study is to evaluate the Defense University's education policy by examining how the use of libraries in supporting scientific literacy.

Methodology: This research method is qualitative by using phenomenology approach. It means that in understanding something has an objective and subjective side, unlike the positivism of separating between the two (subject-object), for science to be objective.

Result: Apparently there is a process of transformation of values and symbolism of the "Defense of Country / DoC" campus from the instructional education system to the science literacy that is pursued in accordance with the Ministry of Higher Education program but in line with the mission of the Defense Ministry. At present it has stood four Faculty of Defense Strategy, Defense Management, National Security and Defense Technology. The research concludes that the Indonesia Defense University (IDU) builds a distinctive character for both military and civilian needs to enhance the role of libraries as a center for the development of the Defense of Country (DoC) characters in semi-special model. In addition to fostering national character based on Pancasila can also follow the development of scientific literature supported by advanced information technology.

Conclution: The decrease of visits to the Library cannot indicate a decrease in student interest in science literature because in the same year all students load their rich works in the journals of each Study Program. Vision IDU Library itself is to be one of the best Library of Higher Education in Indonesia,
