Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 4-2-2021

Document Type



Vikram Sarabhai Library of IIM Ahmedabad may be the only library in India that may provide its services to the users physically by strictly following the Covid-19 protocol.


By November of 2019 Covid-19 first emerged in China. After a few months by January 2020, Kerala reported India’s first Covid-19 case. Within a few weeks from all corners of the country, it started to report positive cases Central Government announced a complete lockdown in the country from March 25, 2020. The majority of the migrant workers and other state students are trapped in lockdown. In the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad(IIMA) also the situation was the same, but the Vikram Sarabhai Library(VSL) of IIMA extended its services for the trapped users inside the campus physically and for others physically strictly following the Covid-19 protocol. With the help of various technologies and services, VSL was able to do it successfully. Many services already in use and many newly implemented helped the VSL to achieve it. The physical visitor’s number declined during the time while the virtual visitor’s number showed stability. The book, database & eJournals showed very little usage and the purchase of new books was also less in number. All the data for the study was collected from the VSL website.
