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A scientometric study to analyse the research output in the area of leather has been selected as the problem to be investigated. The research output is a good indicator which reflects the trend and structure in any discipline. The analysis of leather research over a period of time indicates the trends in the cognitive structure of the chosen field. The overall Degree of Collaboration for the study period was 19.64. The Degree of Collaboration ranged from 0.71 and 0.91 during the study period (1994 to 2018). The Degree of Collaboration was on the increasing trend throughout the study period. From this we infer that multi authored contribution percentage was more than single authored contribution percentage. The analysis reveals that the Collaborative Index for leather research publications has increased from 2.62 to 4.08. The overall Collaborative Index was found to be 3.27. Collaborative Coefficient has ranged from 0.34 to 0.55 during the study period. The overall Collaborative Coefficient was found to be 0.45. Rao JR, was the prolific author both in the global and in Indian leather research with 186 publications. Out of the topmost 35 prolific authors in global leather research 14 authors which is 40% are from Central Leather Research Institute, in India. The top most Prolific Institute in leather research, globally and in India, was Central Leather Research Institute with 913 publications. Globally Sichuan university stands second with 388, which is followed by Shaanxi University of Science and Technology with 324 publications. In India Anna university ranks second with 76 publications and it is followed by Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore with 52 publications.
