Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The study aims to identify the extent of Jordanian Public and Private University Libraries to implement the International Indexing standards of Metadata and Dublin Core at its websites. The study adopted the descriptive analytical method in two stages; the first is to analyze the websites according to Dublin Core standard in a manual way while the second stage is to use the program as one of the famous software on the Internet that contains all the Metadata Tags for websites analysis, which enables the analysis of Metadata. The analysis program was able to identify (6) University libraries sites that have an independent link out of (27) analyzed sites, which are (University of Jordan, Yarmouk University, Balqa Applied University, Hussein Bin Talal University, Middle East University, and American University in Madaba) while other libraries weren’t represented by search engines. It turned out that (15) tags were used unevenly by the libraries’ sites under study, where Balqa Applied University, Hussein Bin Talal University, and Middle East University Libraries were committed to use (11) tags at (50%), and also the studied libraries weren’t interested in indexing its sites based on Dublin Core Standard despite its importance. The study recommends that libraries should formulate the Metadata Tags of their Websites and create separate sites other than main sites of the university, and activate it to be accessed by the search engines. Libraries should also conduct continuous evaluation of their sites through analysis programs deployed on the Internet to avoid errors, improve and develop its services, and keep pace with the modern technology.
