Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 2-25-2021

Document Type



The research is exploring the opportunities available for the application of Predictive analysis using multi regression for invoice generation systems. We work by analyzing the data generated and saved in the database of the clinic. This database contains the financial operations along and also contains other useful information that is being gathered about the patients.

We are proposing a different approach for a billing system to make the task easier for the generation of invoices for the clinic. The mapping of the relational data and using a predictive model that is based on a regression analysis that will predict the future values involved in the business. We found that predicting the future scope of the treatments can be done using a multi-regression model.

In this Bibliometric study, Different Evolutionary algorithms have been used for prediction. Different clustering techniques are carried out on bibliographic datasets which leads to getting a higher silhouette of data. The analysis based on these algorithms will be focused on further work. The advantage of our study is that we have worked on world data to generate models. These models are relatively easy to implement.
