Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The purpose of this study is to expect to explore and investigate the interpretation of faculty on digital information Literacy (DIL) and their skills and competencies in using Digital Information in GAIMS in the state of Gujarat. This study has informs various types of DIL skills and capability required for Faculty members of ICT, constraints affecting related skills, competencies and suggested suitable measures to meet the challenges in GAIMS and also help to set a standard for academic library professionals to project and outline the digital literacy plan as per the requirement of institution. Notably assist the administrators of institution and libraries, information professionals, specialists, educators and policy makers to make strategic decisions in managing resources and services to achieve vision and aim of institute.

The main goal of meeting information needs of user in Library the Librarian must be authorized with required DL skills and intensely competencies to fulfill

The mission of their Institute. Since role of library professionals is critical for success of DL, their skills must be intensified for success of DL, their skills must be enhanced by providing effective training. Management of university has a spirited role to play in training of Library professionals through evidence based innovative ways and calculated proceeding in the 21st century of digital age.
