Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The parent-teacher association (PTA) is a non-commercial, non-sectarian, and non-partisan body that comprises parents/legal guardians of students, teachers, and administrative staff of the school whose aim is to collaborate with the school to promote students' educational success and wellbeing. This paper aimed at highlighting the contributions of the PTA to school library management. Deducing from the literature review, the PTA supports the rights of libraries to supply materials and information that encompass all perspectives on recent and previous happenings that are uncensored in terms of bias, partisanship or doctrinal criticism. In addition, the PTA could assist the school by providing books or other material for use in the school library. In order to achieve its goal, members of the PTA must ensure that the school has a functional and well-equipped library that can facilitate students’ academic vision and success.
