Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 4-10-2021

Document Type



This study utilized a qualitative research approach using specifically phenomenological case study research design in a sample of 28 university lecturers in Gauteng, Free State, and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa. Qualitative data were collected using a validated interview schedule. Data collected were analysed using thematic analysis. The findings of the study showed that faculty of education academics perceived working from home orchestrated by COVID-19 as a negative development for the fact that it drained them mentally and thus affected negatively their teaching and learning. Besides, the research participants reported that working from home stalled their academic productivity due to distractions arising from home demands. Conclusively, WFH impacted negatively on effective teaching and learning in universities in South Africa. It was thus recommended that an adequate online learning platform should be put in place always to avoid the repeat of this negative impact of WFH in the future.
