Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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In today’s technology-centric era, our lives have become vastly dependent on the internet. The internet is widely used for social media to connect, communicate, share and collaborate. However, constant usage of technology can increase compulsion or addiction. This bibliometric survey describes the various types of effects of technology addiction on Human body. The purpose of this research is to examine the different types of technology addiction research published in the journal between 2001 to 2020 in different regions in the World. The Bibliometric analysis is done using Scopus. Scopus and VOS Viewer were used to plot a recurrence of keywords, publications, clusters of researchers globally active in the field. Also the work used software for VOS viewer to imagine outstanding innovations in the journal, using bibliographic linking and review of co-citation. The survey describes that all publications are from the journal affiliated to Computer Science. United States lead publication followed by Hong Kong and China.
