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The field of wireless technology has come a long way from connecting humans to humans, human to machines and now machines to machines. The boom in the wireless communication and increased number of systems used in latest wireless and radar applications creates the need for reconfigurable antennas. This paper presents an analysis of a circularly polarized reconfigurable antenna for 5G applications. The activation mechanisms, design and ways to optimize the operation of reconfigurable antennas are discussed. With the world moving towards 5G, which expects its reach in remote areas as well, the circular polarization patch antennas are well suited for such purpose, and they can work efficiently in densely populated areas as well. The importance of reconfigurable antennas in a world which awaits the transformation of technology with the coming of 5G is discussed briefly. This review digs deeper into the factors which can optimize the performance of a reconfigurable antenna and the reasons for which the circular polarization is widely sought after. Reconfigurable circularly polarized antennas are used in wireless and satellite communication systems and finds its application in various areas. We have used numerous research papers for our literature survey which were published between 2002 and 2021 in this feild. The bibliometric survey done in this literature review were mainly based on the Scopus database and tools such as VOSviewer, Graph Receipe and ScienceScape.
