Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 6-1-2021

Document Type



Working with sensors has become an area of expertise within the domain of electronic engineering. On a day to day basis, thousands of sensors are put to use around us, for instance, in smoke alarms, speedometers, motors, computers, radiators etc. to accumulate sensor data, cables that connect the sensors to the bottom station after which the information is worked on. But cabling is often expensive especially when handling large scale industrial applications [5]. For an equivalent reason, low-cost wireless networks came into the picture recently and are in high demand. A research paper we found during our review of literatures, explores using raspberry pi type of a server to which other devices are going to be connected which will copy, store, and delete the file on the network itself. For this review, we went through papers that discussed and researched on the subject of downloading programs wirelessly on a microcontroller through a cloud-based system. The advantage of using cloud computing for IoT based applications increases the likelihood of, more devices joining the network. This makes it easier for IoT systems to grow efficiently thanks to reduced bandwidth and storage among other parameters [9]. We found some informative papers on sources such as, Google Scholar and Scopus that mention the MQTT protocol. The survey was conducted using the keywords mentioned below credited by various authors and publications from different countries. We gave more importance to the papers that were cited more often and also administered statistical analysis on the sources of the documents.
