Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Purpose---Information Communication Technologies have entirely reshaped services of university libraries. Library professionals of the universities need to be technology specialist to implement emerging technologies in libraries. Library practitioners can design services keeping in view the demands of digital age users through Continuing Education Programs (CEPs). The purpose of this article is to determine the status of the application of CEPs in Government Sector University Libraries of Lahore, Pakistan, reasons to pursue for CEPs, factors leading towards CEPs, and strategies for the implementation of CEPs in the universities.

Design/methodology/approach------ Quantitative research design was used to gather data from 15 government sector universities in Lahore, Pakistan.

Findings---The study showed that majority of libraries realized implementation of CEPs in university libraries. Most of the university library professionals had a positive attitude about the CEPs. Library professionals adopted CEPs to create life skills in themselves, and to enhance knowledge and expertise. CEPs had become a necessity due to the prominent factors of user centric approach and to the lead the organization efficiently through the implementation of emerging technologies.

Originality/value--- In this article, the researcher identified the need of CEPs and application of unconventional services in the government sector universities of Lahore, Pakistan and recommended that universities should have a written policy about CEPs and separate budget should be allocated to create requisite expertise among library professionals.
