Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The present study based on bibliometric analysis of Journal of Medical Library Association (JMLA) from 2002-2020 indexed in Scopus database. A total number of 1356 documents were published during the nineteen years from 2002 to 2020. All publication has been examined carefully to extend the data that year wise distribution of papers and citations, volume and issue wise distribution of documents and citation, authorship pattern, Average number of citations per paper, affiliation wise distribution, most cited countries, geographical distribution, top cited documents, occurrence index keyword analysis, co-citations countries, and author productivity. The study reveals that, during these 19 years, the journal has published the total number of 1356 papers with 16465 citations. Out of 1356 contribution, only 534 were single-authored and the rest were multi-authored with a Collaboration Index of 2.39.
