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Digital Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) is a non-invasive test that helps in evaluating the efficiency of a patient’s lungs. The test is key to keeping tabs on a patient’s health that may be suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Asthma, Restrictive Respiratory Disease, etc, as pollution increases day by day in the world the amount of people getting affected from it and being diagnosed with respiratory diseases the importance of PFT continues to grow. The Scopus database has been used exclusively for this analysis. A key observation of this survey has been that engineering and medicine have gone hand in hand towards the development of the PFT. The survey has also revealed that a majority of the publications in this subject have been published as articles. The paper discusses the bibliometric analysis of the Digital Pulmonary Function Test from the Scopus database. The 405 archives extricated from this data set in the exploration region have been procured till 15th May 2021. It is the examination of the exploration distributed as articles, meeting papers, surveys, which helps in understanding the effect of the distribution on the specific theme worldwide. The representation is finished with open-source programming like VOS Viewer and Excel. The representation adds to a vastly improved understanding of the perspective in the specific research domain.
