Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This article represents the level of information literacy of students in the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Jammu using latest attributes and abilities mentioned in SCONUL’s core model of information literacy. This paper attempts to analyze the effect of demography and the various attributes on their information literacy level. This study used a survey method, with 48 students enrolled in both the courses of the department. Information literacy calculated, have a significant difference with Pillar 3: Constructing strategies for locating information and data, Pillar 4: Reviewing the research process and compare and evaluate information and data with and Pillar 6: Organizing information professionally and ethically. Examination of detailed items in seven pillars showed that out of 94 attributes only a few show significant associations with their self-reported level of the abilities in respective pillars and overall calculated information literacy level. Overall estimation of students’ level of proficiency in skills and attributes was reported as an average. The students have a high level of competence in identifying and understanding the need of production of learning habits (m= 4, S.D.=.99), average in: getting the required information on time, understanding the various types of information, identifying various formats of information, accessing resources in libraries, understanding the issues in the evaluation of information, and understanding the need of reference style, the copyright, plagiarism, and intellectual property issues, etc and low in using various reference styles (m= 2.42, S.D. =. 99).
