Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 6-10-2021

Document Type



The number of citations of a scientific article is considered as the weight of that work in the field of interest. Bibliometric/Scientometric analysis of the most cited articles conducted in some medical disciplines has identified the most relevant scientific contributions that pushed forward knowledge and practice of that discipline. We conducted a bibliometrics/Scientometric analysis of the most cited articles in Covid-19 Drugs, Vaccines and Medicines, by extracting relevant words that identify and querying the Scopus online database. A rank with the 100, 500 and 1000 above Citations of the most cited articles was obtained, based on the absolute number of citations. Word(s) extracted from the Scopus database. Among the Highly cited articles there are 22 articles received more than 1000 Citations, 83 articles have recorded more than 500 Citations and 816 articles recorded 100 Citations. A total of 22005 scientific journals had published the top 816 most cited articles in Covid-19 Drugs, Medicine and Vaccines of publications are published in reputed journals like The Lancet, Cell, Cell Research, New England Journal of Medicine, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Allergy: Eropeans Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Military Medical Research, BioScience Trends, Journal of Hospital Infection, The Lancel Respiratory Medicine etc..
