Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Library and Information Science (LIS) is a degree program being offered in the different HEIs in the country though this program has been offered long time ago there are few takers of the said program. This study analyzed the level of knowledge of senior high school students on LIS as a career. Further, this study looked into significant differences in terms of knowledge when grouped according to sex and track. Also, this study explored on the possibilities of senior high school students to enrol in the LIS program. The output of this study is to assess their knowledge and to know the reasons if they are interested or not interested in taking up LIS as a career. Knowing the results would help identify promotional strategies to campaign for the degree LIS for more takers in the future. The qualitative-quantitative, descriptive method of research were used in this study. Participants were 97 Grade 12 students in a state-run University in Benguet, Philippines. Results revealed that they have an average knowledge of the LIS course. Both sexes have similar knowledge on the program while STEM track has better knowledge on the program as compared to the TVL track. Sadly, all of the respondents signified that they will not enrol in LIS Program because it is not popular and they already have their plans on what to enrol in college. Career orientation is the best promotional strategy identified by the respondents which can be used to incoming college students to campaign for the degree LIS.
