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This paper designed to examine research published in PubMed indexed journals of different treatment modalities to treat COVID -19 infection employing bibliometric analysis technique from 2020 to 2021. The purpose was to consolidate the published scholarly work in the PubMed database on different treatment modalities including vaccine, oxygen supplementation, dexamethasone or steroids, aspirin, heparin, remdesivir, zinc, vitamin c or ascorbic acid, oxygen, anti-malarial like chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, and azithromycin or macrolides. We employed a bibliometric analysis technique and found a total of 3043 published documents. The study findings depicted that vaccine and COVID-19 top was at the top of the list of topics of the published documents along with the United States as a top productive country. The name of Mahase E secured the first position in top authors, Univ. Maryland as a top organization, COVID-19 as a top keyword, COVID as top term analysis by title, and 'BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.)’ was the top of the published documents.
