Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 7-2021

Document Type



This paper attempts to show up the growth trends on Medicinal Mushroom literature and make the quantitative and qualitative assessment by analyzing various features of research output and Citations impact based on the Scopus database. A total of 3513 publications were published on Medicinal Mushroom during 1990-2020. Year 2019 has highest publication of 363 whereas the year 2015 scores the highest citation impact of 5612. The People's Republic of China has the highest share 1125 of publications and received 19435 Citations followed by Taiwan with 5311 Citation for 288 publications, India with 3087 Citations for 275 publications. It’s noteworthy that USA moves the Taiwan to third place through citations wise analysis with less number of publications compared to Taiwan and India. The highly productive Institutions were: Chinese Academy of Science with 152 publications having citation of 2921 followed by University Malaya with 1849 citations having 110 records and National Chung Hsing University with 83 publications. The highly productive journals are INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL MUSHROOMS with 1004 Publications and having citation of 7798, followed by JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY and MOLECULES with 65 publications having citation of 2035 and 912 respectively. There were 126 single Author publications by the scientists and remaining were multi-Author collaborative publications. The Collaboration Index is 3.30. The average citation per document is 17.7 and an average citation per year per document is 2.06.
