Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 7-18-2021

Document Type



Due to COVID-19 pandemic lockdown situation, every academic institutions and professional associations has been affected with corona virus. We will stay safe by maintaining social distancing and using masks, globes, face shield and washing hands frequently with water and soap. Researchers and academicians in India are completely at home and follow the COVID-19 guidelines to help him, family and community stay safe. In this critical phases of COVID-19 situation, the present study attempts to identify the web-based services provided by the library associations of national importance in India during this COVID-19 pandemic environment. This paper has tried to evaluate the content of the webpages of fourteen selected library associations of national importance in India during April to June, 2021. The content information was collected through searching, tabulated and analyzing those Library Associations’ webpages for interpretation and discussion purposes. After evaluating the content of webpages of selected fourteen library associations in India, it is found that IASLIC, Kolkata provided maximum information in their webpage score with 32 points out of 50 points, which is the highest points score among the fourteen library associations of national importance in India, followed by CGLA, Dehradun with 25 points score as 2nd highest score and DLA, Delhi with 23 points as 3rd highest score. The results of the study will be more useful to the developers and authorities of library associations’ webpages for quality of evaluation factors and self-development.
