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This article discusses information behavior developed by santri (Islamic boarding school or pesantren students) and how literacy is developed when santri develop information behavior. This study was focused on a unique phenomenon that occurred at Abdullah Faqih Islamic Institute (INKAFA), where a salaf (traditional) Islamic school has “dared” to implement innovations in the learning process in the form of information multiliteracy-based teaching in order to empower and increase the competitiveness of its graduates. The research setting is Mambaus Sholihin Islamic Boarding School (PPMS), located in Suci Village, Manyar District, Gresik Regency, East Java Province. Based on the results of a field study, it is found that santri of the pesantren of INKAFA are no longer identical with conservative santri. They have adapted to the changing times in the digital era by becoming part of the current generation who are accustomed to using information technology to access information in cyberspace. This study revealed that the process of implementing information multiliteracy in INKAFA has been supported by several factors, among others, the policy made by the pesantren chairperson that is based on the principle of “Al–muhafadhotu ‘ala qodimis sholih wal akhdzu bil jadidil ashlah” and a curriculum that does support students in adapting to the advancement of the digital era. The PPMS Foundation generally supports the information multiliteracy in order to realize information behavior transformation among INKAFA students by providing software and hardware facilities for the sake of advancement of INKAFA. Meanwhile, several inhibiting factors in the application of information multilteracy in INKAFA are factors from within oneself, factors from other people, and factors from the environment.
