Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 6-30-2021

Document Type



The main aim of this paper is to investigate the current status and emerging trends of digital scholarly communication through the distribution of citations. It specifically identifies the usage framework of digital research works by the citation analysis of “Australian Journal of Chemistry”. Articles published in “Australian Journal of Chemistry” were chosen as a sample source for data. The data were collected from the time of 2011-2020 i.e. the period of 10 years. The references of every article from each issue of the “Australian Journal of Chemistry” were searched on May 19, 2021. Total of the 42126 citations were retrieved, 4212 (10 percent of the aggregate) articles were selected randomly. In this study findings discovered that the most significant number of citations were comes from multiple authors 1438 (34.15%), B. Murray was the most prolific author whose work was highly cited (157). Decade 2020 received the maximum citations 2542 (60.35%). Furthermore, non-print sources were the most dominant source of documents. And users mostly prefer journal form of documents with 2356 (55.93%) citations. Significantly, U.K. was the most productive country with 784 (33.21%) citations and “Nature” journal published from U.K. had the maximum citations 25 (1.06%). Moreover, in the ranking of core journals U.S.A. had published maximum number 20 (40%) of journals. This investigation definitely shows a growing trend of citation analysis in digital scholarly communication.
