Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 8-16-2021

Document Type



Advanced ICT applications have been proven to be the major driver of knowledge, learning, teaching, research, interaction, collaboration, innovation, and initiations in order to enrich and empower variables of the present information/knowledge society and its human lives. Information Technology is being interconnected with different hardware, software, networking/internet transmission, and broadcasting devices peripheral equipment that is programmed for convenience of information dissemination to different user communities. It is very obvious that the use and adoption of ICT in all areas of human endeavor are now known and widely acceptable and adaptable. In this study, the researchers made an attempt to examine the status of library automation and its usage in university libraries of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh states in India. Relevant data for the study was collected from a well-structured questionnaire designed and distributed both to librarians and users of BU, Bangalore, UoM, Mysore, AU, Vishakapatnam and SVU, Tirupathi University libraries of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh states in India. A survey method was adopted in this study and the study samples were selected by deploying random sampling technique parameters. One –Way ANOVA statistical tool was used to find out the relationship between the variables. The collected data has been analyzed by applying appropriate statistical tools and the analyzed results are presented in tables and figures
