Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 3-1-2021

Document Type



The purpose of this paper is to observe how employees of academic library administration are developing and how they comply with the internal quality assurance policy (IQA) regarding pre-implementation of the integrated repository (IR). We are interested in information practices of administration staff in the scope of cooperation and open communication with the management staff and external entities. We have studied the role of the current information practices in the successful implementation of IR at the university by academic librarians. We used the method of participant observation and unstructured interviews supported by BPMN modelling (Business Process Model and Notation) and desk research analysis. Our analysis was conducted according to the processes of collective mindfulness and the strategy of anticipating the unexpected proposed by Aanestad and Jensen (2016) but with the emphasis on a tender procedure for purchase order in the pre-implementation of IR by the library at [INSTITUTION] University. We have noticed that before the actual integration of existing information systems into one coherent IR begins, the employees want to make the most of their knowledge and experience to make the implementation process successful. They try to interfere in the purchase order procedure as much as possible to start a technical dialogue with the companies that would be implementing the system at the university.
