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The study investigated the online information retrieval strategies adopted by internet users in avoiding perceived occupation maladjustment in Enugu State Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Sample size for the study was 344 respondents using Yaro Yameni formula. Online Information Retrieval Strategies Occupation Maladjustment Questionnaire (OIRSOMQ) was the major instrument for data. Trial tested method was used to determine the reliability of the instrument and the index obtained was 0.79 using Cronbach Alpha method. Data collected were analyzed using mean statistics and standard deviation. Based on the analysis, the following major findings were made: that secondary school students in Enugu North Local Government Area are very aware of online information retrieval opportunities for perceived occupation maladjustment, all the students to a high extent use online information retrieval in perceived occupation maladjustment and all the listed items are the hindering factors to the use of online information retrieval in perceived occupation maladjustment among secondary school students Based on the findings, among the recommendation was that more online facilities should be made available for more improvement in online information retrieval strategies adopted by users in avoiding perceived occupation maladjustment among students among others.
