Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 10-3-2021

Document Type



The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic has wreaked havoc across the globe. In the realm of education, this pandemic has resulted in the widespread suspension of face-to-face operations at educational institutions in over 190 countries in order to limit the virus's spread and reduce its effects. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), more than 1.2 billion students at all levels of education have quit attending face-to-face lectures by mid-May 2020. More than 1.5 billion students and learners have been affected by school and university closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, different tools and techniques for online learning which can ensure the continuity of learning are highlighted. Some emerging approaches by the Ministry of Education across the country for online learning platforms are presented. It consists of all country-wise online learning platforms under UNESCO. The descriptive research method was used in the study and data was collected from different countries by visiting UNESCO websites. The results indicate that the global financial situation has boosted educational innovation. The study has seen innovative methods for guaranteeing education and training continuity, from radio and television to take-home packages. The significant learning experience of students, as well as governments' and other relevant stakeholders' long-term responsibilities to learners, and students' reactions to online education depend on their competency with online tools.
