Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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In this paper 190 contribution were analysed from “Annals of Library & Information Science” published during 2015 to 2020. The data collection was done by downloading the articles from the website of the journal. It examined year wise & Volume wise distribution of articles, authorship pattern, state wise distribution of contributions, length of the articles, references etc. A total of 190 articles have published by 349 authors during this period of time. Out of 190 articles multiple authors contributed 121 (63.68%) while the rest of the articles 69 (36.31%) were contributed by single author. The research paper in this journal mainly confined to India, 144 (75.78%) articles were contributed by Indian authors while rest of the articles were contributed by foreign authors. This paper also examined year wise degree of collaboration, page length of articles and state wise contribution of articles.
