Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 8-24-2021

Document Type



The role of the Library and Information professionals has been integral in promoting knowledge cultures throughout the centuries. Libraries have undergone a sea change and have been keeping pace with the networked and digital world. Libraries are the gateways to the information resources that engage the readers in different ways and capacities. A crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic shut the doors of the physical libraries but the opportunities and the doors for the digital libraries were opened like never before in history. LIS professionals all around the world have taken up the challenge of providing the information services to the user communities and engaged them in the most positive manner. Digital libraries have mustered up to continuously promote, supplement and complement the online education that was ushered in the society. The study explores the type of services provided by libraries for the society particularly in the context of library services and library professionals who faced both the opportunities and challenges that arose out of the COVID-19 crisis. LIS professionals have a greater role to play in the coming times to lift the spirits of the society by providing innovative services. The study highlights the significant initiatives and information engagements undertaken by the libraries in the global context to meet the post lockdown needs and look beyond the COVID-19 era.
